ArtShip Artists’ Cooperative
ArtShip is an artists’ cooperative for individuals served in one or more programs at Fellowship Place who are interested in creating art, as well as exhibiting and selling their work through art shows, juried exhibits, and gallery shows.
ArtShip members say the process of creating their art helps with problem solving, goal making, and with reducing symptoms of anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia.
“I believe that there is a creative self in all of us. I hadn’t been able to do art for several years until I came to Fellowship Place and joined ArtShip. Having fellow artists here, all working together, makes me come alive and feel more creative. Earlier in my life, I taught art to high school, middle, and elementary students for a total of 16 years. I designed 12 stained glass windows for Temple Sinai in Portsmouth, Virginia. I struggled with anxiety and depression while I did this work. Later I became so dysfunctional that I had to go on disability. I felt like a failure. With the help of Fellowship Place and ArtShip I can feel the success of my creative self alive again.”