April 4 Fundraiser Event -Jazzing For Fellowship Place

Thank You Yale students from the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program

Fellowship Place appreciates Yale students from the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program, who prepared income taxes for our clients. The students held two tax clinics on campus and assisted about 30 individuals.

Fellowship Place Interviewed on the Tom Ficklin Show

Check out the Tom Ficklin Show to hear about some of the challenges facing Fellowship Place and how the community at large can help. Executive Director Mary Guerrera, Director of Career Development Services Sandi Sibilio, and Board Member Dr. Will Sherman were interviewed on the program on April 1.

The Tom Ficklin Show: The Fellowship Place

Happy Social Work Month from Fellowship Place!

Happy Social Work Month! During the month of March Fellowship Place joins with the National Association of Social Workers, and the many diverse employers of social workers across the country, in recognizing the profession’s commitment to social justice and to improving the quality of life for the poor, the vulnerable, and the oppressed. Hats off to the social workers on staff at Fellowship Place and to social workers everywhere.

Yale University Students Hold Tax Clinics on Fellowship Place’s Campus

It was a busy day in the Career Office at Fellowship Place last Saturday when Yale students trained by the IRS held their annual income tax preparation clinic for our clients. Fifteen individuals had their income taxes prepared for free. The Yale students will return on March 30 for a second clinic. A special thank you to student leaders Joanna Wypasek and Wendy Zhang for working with Fellowship Place on this important service.

Yale School of Medicine Public Psychiatry Interest Group Visits Fellowship Place’s Campus

On Saturday, 2/17 Fellowship Place’s Executive Director welcomed the Yale School of Medicine Public Psychiatry Interest Group to the campus for a tour and conversation about the services provided at Fellowship Place. The group was very interested in collaborating with the agency on nutrition programs and building public awareness of mental health issues. Wonderful to meet and work with this young and enthusiastic group of medical professionals.